Marsha Thompson’s Novel, “Spoilers: The Rise & Fall,” With an African American Super Hero Girl, Proves to be an Interesting Fantasy Read

Book cover, and author Marsha Thompson

Orlando, FL — Today, author Marsha Thompson makes the headlines as her late release novel that features an African American super hero girl proves to be an interesting fantasy read.Spoilers: The Rise and Fall tells a fantasy story of a blossoming crush between protagonists Lance and Mia amid adventure. The novel reveals the strength found in the bonds of true friendship. The novel is a great page turner, but Marsha Thompson would hope to have all fantasy enthusiasts grab a copy and read through the lines since the novel passes on a host of great messages.

The novel is specifically tailored for middle graders and young adult readers. Hopefully, because of its diversity, it will engage African American teens to read the book. Reading has a great impact on academic achievement.

Spoilers – The Rise & Fall

The fantasy story revolves around three gifted teen heroes – Mia (African American), Lee (Asian), and Lance (Irish). An unexpected earthquake hits the city of New York (their city) and they must survive by employing a handful of tricks. Being in a tunnel beneath the City the three friends are dragged far below the world they once knew so well to the haunting world of the Citadel.

The Citadel is ruled by the fearsome Oman, where the people are in desperate need of hope and courage to free themselves from the hands of their tyrant leader. The teens discover Oman holds a key they need to return home. They make their way through a treacherous forest with a talking owl (Ivor) to defeat Oman and his army. The search for the key leads to a series of events, one being the encounter of Oman’s secret weapon – a group of formidable immortal creatures who could also be in their world. Their mission – destroy the Spoilers.

For more details and/or to purchase the book, visit www.marshathompsonbooks.com


About Marsha Thompson
Marsha Thompson a native of Detroit, splits her time between her residence in Orlando, Florida and her family in Detroit, Michigan. While spending time with middle graders and teens, she discovered how they are drawn into the science fiction/ fantasy world. This fascination impelled her to write her fantasy YA debut novel, Spoilers: The Rise & Fall. She comes with an arsenal of a sociology degree from the University of Central Florida.

Find additional information about Marsha Thompson and her works on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube.


Marsha Thompson
(407) 953-4869



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