Nationwide — “A crazy, provoking epic story full of interesting true stories of the hidden lives of the local residents of a Caribbean town and the people who live in the surrounding villages, not excluding the dark and strange goings-on at the island’s landmark between the twin Piton Mountains. Satirically funny, almost crazy, sometimes sad, a story based on the local history of the people.”That is how first-time author Michael Jacques describes his new book, The Fallen Bud: Colin Tennant the Royal Toy Boy Turns Sour, which is coming out this week. Jacques, a St Lucian born British martial arts grand master, said the idea to put his thoughts on paper was borne out of his struggles with the Late Scottish peer Lord Glenconner who cheated him out of much of his land in St Lucia.
“Lord Glenconner took my land away from me and so I had to do something about it,” said Jacques from his South London lodgings. “I am telling the story of what really went on between Lord Glenconner and myself and how he took what was mine and how I fought back using the courts system to get my property back. I am exposing Lord Glenconner for what he really is and the legal system for the role they played in aiding and abetting. I never got my land back.”
Jacques whose family comes from the pitons area of St Lucia said his book The Fallen Bud tells the whole story about his dramatic experience with Princess Margaret’s best friend and confidant Lord Glenconner. ” I have been trying to get my property back for the past 27 years all to no avail as the legal system let me down. They took the late peer’s side from day one.”
The martial arts champion who teaches Karate and Tai Chi, a Chinese and Japanese system of slow and hard self-defence physical exercises designed for relaxation and balance of health, maintains that his book delves into other subjects as well which includes as he puts it:” The lifestyles and things that were happening in St Lucia back in the day. There were lots of strange happenings and goings-on in the 80’s between Collin Tennant and his gang of
Jacques, 59, said he is going to use the book to promote his splendid island. He is planning to feature tours to St Lucia, where tourists will visit the many places he writes about in his autobiography. “I would like people to see where I am referring to and to get a feel of what it was like back then to what it is now. St Lucia has changed but we must not forget about the past.”
The proud author is planning to do a book launch pretty soon where he will be reading extracts from his book. A date and place will be announced soon.
For more information, visit
Michael Jacques