Thousands of Moms March To Demand Justice For Their Children Killed by Police Brutality

Washington, DC — Mothers of children who were killed by police officers convened in Washington, DC this past Saturday to march and bring attention to a nationwide epidemic of police brutality, racial injustice, and what they call “white privilege”.The march was called “The Million Moms March”, and although they did not number to anywhere near a million moms, there were definitely thousands in attendance. Sponsored by Mothers for Justice United, the march started at the U.S. Capitol and ended at the U.S. Department of Justice, where demonstrators peacefully protested demanding changes in the way police make arrests.

The moms in attendance represented many nationalities, and many were holding up photos of their children that were killed by law enforcement officers. Others had flowers and balloons, and other were holding hands in unity.

Maria Hamilton, founder of the organization, commented, “This is a call for everybody to wake up. We are here on behalf of our babies to tell the United States government that we aren’t going anywhere. We aren’t going to continue to keep burying our babies. Do something and do it now.”

Hamilton’s 31-year-old son, Dontre Hamilton, was shot 14 times and killed by a former police officer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

“We will continue to lift our babies up,” she said. “They live through each and every one of us. They are gone physically but we have our own personal angels now.”



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