Mom Prays That HBO’s ‘Black & Missing’ Series Will Bring Her Daughter Home 5 Years After Disappearing

Nationwide — Toni Jacobs, a mother from Richmond, Virginia whose daughter has been missing for five years, is hoping that she can finally find answers with the help of HBO’s new docuseries Black and Missing which features her story.Jacobs’ daughter, Keeshae, was 21-years old when she disappeared near Chimbarrazo Park in Richmond. Since then, Jacobs said her daughter’s disappearance had not been taken seriously by police and national media despite her asking for help.

Through the years, Jacobs did not stop seeking any information about her daughter’s whereabouts and continued sharing her daughter’s pictures online. That was when she encountered the Black and Missing Foundation, which helps bring awareness to the cases that involved Black missing persons and fight against the disparity in law enforcement and media coverage.

The initiatives of the foundation, which was founded by sisters Derrica and Natalie Wilson, are the highlight of the new HBO 4-part docuseries produced by Geeta Gandbhir and Soledad O’Brien. Jacobs is one of the first ones to be featured.

“I’m praying with my heart and soul that it brings Keeshae home,” Jacobs told WRIC. “But if it doesn’t, I hope this helps someone else and brings awareness for people to pay attention to other missing people.”



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