Greenville, NC — Morgan Taylor is a 6-year-old second grader at Eastern Elementary school in Greenville, NC. She spends most of her days reading, drawing and dancing like her peers, but she also finds time to read and autograph her published book Daddy’s Little Princess. Her one of a kind picture book introduces real life Princesses and Queens of color from all around the world.“Every little girl should believe she’s a princess,” said Morgan.
“Princesses come in all shades.” Daddy’s Little Princess derived from a conversation Morgan had with her dad and co-author G.Todd Taylor had about the lack of diversity of main stream royalty.
“This book excites, ignites and educates young readers,” Taylor, a former educator said. “We wanted to inform and build self-esteem.” Daddy’s Little Princess was released a few months ago and in that time has been featured on national radio programs and in local publications.
Morgan’s motto is “Rock Your Crown” and she’s been rocking hers and encouraging others since the book debuted at Barnes & Noble on Feb. 7, 2016.
Daddy’s Little Princess is available for $9.99 and is available on Amazon and at
Diane Taylor