Nationwide — Whether you’re looking for fashion advice, new restaurants to try, or pop-culture reviews, there’s a lifestyle blog out there for you. With their unique viewpoints and opinions on the world, these bloggers dedicate their time to supporting others. For those looking to start off the new year with some inspiration, we’ve put together a list of elite Black lifestyle bloggers to follow in 2019.1. Color Me Courtney
Her blog is super fun and cute, and so is her quirky personality. Courtney Quinn is an NYC lifestyle blogger with a unique sense of style—she loves bright colors. You’ll love following her (and her dog, Waffles), as they explore the world around them.
2. With Mel Bae
Mel shares her adventures within New York and around the world. She covers all things lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food while staying focused on the best things life has to offer.
3. Her Modern Life
Sydnei started this blog as a journey of self-discovery. She’s passionate about encouraging others to become their true selves, and her thought-sharing platform helps them do so. She’s also a web designer available for hire.
4. Garçon a la Mode
Perkins Bien Aime is a style expert and menswear influencer who resides in the Los Angeles area. His fashion and lifestyle blog, which launched in 2014, has skyrocketed over the past four years. He focuses on informative content that teaches others proper etiquette skills and personal style tips to help them live their best life.
5. Inner Thoughts Out Loud
Inner Thoughts Out Loud is blog full of the feelings, thoughts, expressions, and desires of Kivvi Roberts. Her blog contains a variety of inspiring materials that she creates, and it provides a safe space for others to explore and express their own inner thoughts.
6. Blushing Black
LaTisha’s blog is a digital space where she expresses her thoughts and shares her experiences with others. Her blog is full of content and lifestyle topics that all women can relate to.
7. A Black Girl Blogging
Currently a student at Georgia Southern University, Tandra Smith is the brains behind A Black Girl Blogging. She loves to share her thoughts and feelings about all things food, fashion, and beauty. After just one minute on her blog, you’ll feel like you’ve known her for years.
8. Awesome Luvvie
If you’re ever looking to boost your mood, you’ll want to visit Luvvie’s awesome blog. The pop-culture comedian isn’t just a lifestyle blogger—she’s also a NYT best-selling author, digital strategist, and nonprofit founder. No matter what, she can always see the brighter side of things—which is what makes her so successful.