Nationwide — Myeshia Mizuno has made history as the first Black woman to lead a prime-time game show, taking the reins at Family Feud. She now oversees both the regular and celebrity versions of the show, marking a significant moment in TV history.“It’s daunting, but definitely what I’m up for,” Mizuno told Variety. “It’s a well-built machine, but coming in and adding some oil to the spokes is how I look at it.”
With a strong background in TV production, including work on shows like Judge Judy and ABC’s revival of Supermarket Sweep, Mizuno is well-prepared for her new position.
Mizuno’s diverse experience positions her well to bring a fresh perspective to the iconic game show while honoring its rich legacy, ensuring it continues to delight audiences. Mizuno plans to enhance the show with new prize offerings like vacation packages and create a cozy backstage area for celebrity contestants.
Steve Harvey, the show’s host, has expressed confidence in her abilities, noting how seamlessly she has integrated into the iconic program. They have previously worked together on ABC’s Emmy-nominated Judge Steve Harvey.
The upcoming season of Celebrity Family Feud promises an exciting lineup of stars, including Megan Thee Stallion, Ne-Yo, and various sports figures. Notable matchups include Meghan Trainor vs. Tori Kelly and a special Golden Bachelor face-off.
Moreover, Mizuno’s appointment marks a significant step forward in television representation and innovation.
“To be the first Black woman to run a primetime network game show is huge,” Mizuno continued. “And not just any game show, but an iconic franchise at that! I’m very appreciative of it. I don’t know why it has taken such a long time, but I’m happy to know that it’s now a genre that has been cracked open for someone like me to be a part of it.”