Mound Bayou, MS — Whenever the Afrikan born in Amerika sets out to accomplish anything significant, it becomes historic. This announcement to the public that “NAAFRA’s Unity Sunday Operational Plan Activation Date”, is no exception, for three reasons:1) It is being announced on the anniversary date of President Obama’s winning a second term in the White House.
2) NAAFRA’S announcement is being made from the oldest Black Townsite in Amerika, Mound Bayou, Mississippi, founded July 12, 1887, to the present.
3) And the first time that the Afrikan born in Amerika has collectively joined with the Black Church, to officially launch a campaign to end poverty from the lifestyles of far too many of our families; all of these dates will prove to be of great significance to our people.
Dr. Donald R. Evans, Sr., founder of NAAFRA, comments, “The National Afrikan Amerikan Family Reunion Association (NAAFRA) has set up its Black Church Umbrella Alliance (BCUA), creating a databank registry of all churches willing to make a commitment to the ‘NAAFRA Unity Sunday Operational Plan’, putting the Black Church/Black Family in the Vanguard Position as an example to build our membership to a Marcus Garvey size number and our resource base to 100 Million Dollars for the following reasons.”
He continues:
“Until the day our families are fully free of the evil forces that seek our destruction; Until our females are safe in their homes, schools, communities, churches, colleges, walking the roads and streets of their village, town or city; Until all eligible adults are fully employed with wages that provide decent livability for all families; Until the day our male youth are no longer seen as targets for killers of all hues, or victims to be fed into the pipeline to prison, or miseducated and frustrated to the point of acute distress of self hatred; Until all of our children are educated to the point of being proud of their Alkebu-Lan (AFRICAN) heritage; Until all gang members across our country come to realize their territories can become learning centers, with the assistance of our family movement, and Minister Farrakhan and the FOI where ‘Knowledge of Self’ can be taught and books over guns is valued; Until all of our children know who Imhotep was; Until all Afrikan children know the title of ‘The Oldest Book in the World’ and the name of the author; Until families that make up our congregational church body across Black Church Amerika realize our children must be taught their ancient African history, or they will continue to be miseducated. These are a low number of myriad reasons that daily erode the foundation of the Afrikan/Afrikan Amerikan family, and there are many more. We the Black Family that make up the collect body of Black Congregational Amerika; can, and will, carry out the blessing of our Heavenly Father, to bring positive change to our beloved country. It must be clearly understood during this activation process, the old blame game must not be used. Blaming our beloved Mega Ministers, across Black Church Amerika is not acceptable by our movement. No member of any church in Amerika is a slave to any Minister; we are all first class citizens in the greatest country on this planet, with the greatest potential for mass change among its Black Citizens.”
Dr. Evans says that “the Black Congregations across Amerika must hold ourselves accountable for the success, or failure, of all the objectives on this date.” To provide a factual report within a few days after ‘Activation Day’, their NAAFRA.ORG website has a link posted as ‘Church Umbrella’, where all of of their churches that are committed to supporting our ‘Unity Sunday Plan’ can be registered. Also, on the same website is a PayPal account set up to receive the deposits from each church congregation’s ($1) donation to begin building the proposed ‘100 Million Dollar Perpetual Fund’ for change.
Dr. Evans adds, “Last, but not least in importance in our family movement is that each family name that make up the congregation of each church are needed to be registered on our website on this date. To send out the message that our families are in complete alignment with the mission of the ‘Million Man March’ in calling for Maat — truth, Justice, righteousness, balance, order. The personification of order of the world which was established at creation.”
“This is what our vanguard position brings to the table of the change that will be asking the following groups by name, to come forward and commit to support of our ‘Unity Sunday Operational Plan’ on a specified date; for example, Black Church/Black Family November 8, 2015; Hip-Hop/Rap Nation December 26, 2015; Gospel Family January 19,2016; R&B Music industry February 12, 2016; Sports World March 10, 2016; Wealthiest Family Members April 15, 2016; and Entertainment/Film/TV/Theater May 30, 2016,” he says.
He adds, “This plan is workable, if enough Black Amerikans still remember how we have fought our way through the greatest ‘ holocaust’’, in the history of mankind; still, we are not full of hatred for any other people, though there is justification. Therefore, let us work this plan and continue to love this land, where our blood, sweat, and tears is not yet dry where we stand across our beautiful land.”
For more details about the National Afrikan Amerikan Family Reunion Association (NAAFRA), visit or