Nick Gordon Tells His Side of the Story To Dr. Phil — Falls Apart During Interview

Nationwide — In a national television exclusive, Dr. Phil conducts an emotionally-charged intervention with 25-year-old Nick Gordon, boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina Brown, the 22-year-old daughter of singer Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston.With his mother, Michelle, at his side, Nick expresses to Dr. Phil the mental anguish he says he has been suffering since Bobbi Kristina was found unresponsive in a bathtub in January, as well as from the tragic loss of Whitney Houston three years ago.

During the interview, Gordon is seen crying and he reportedly admits that he has a drug and alcohol addition. His mom, Michelle, says, “As we sit here right now, my son’s life hangs in the balance.

Regarding Whitney Houston’s death, his mom says that it really hit Nick hard. “When Whitney was found, he administered CPR to her and called me as he was standing in front of her saying, ‘Mom, why couldn’t I do it? I couldn’t get air into her lungs.’ He won’t let go of the guilt,” she says.

In a clip from DrPhil.com, Gordon is seen getting emotionally upset and walking off the set. The full episode will air on CBS on Wednesday, March 11.

Watch the video clip below:



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