Meet the 3 Sisters Working at the Same Hospital, Following in Their Mom’s Footsteps

Nationwide — Three African American sisters — Nicole Gibbs, 30, and her twin sisters Caitlin and Courtney, 22 — all work at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland, continuing a family tradition of serving in healthcare. The trio, who grew up together, have become a familiar sight to patients and staff at Luminis Health, often causing people to do double and triple takes. “People always say, ‘I thought it was you—what are you doing here on dayshift?’ We look so much alike,” Nicole shared.Their journey to working together began years ago, with all three sisters attending the same schools. “We went to the same elementary, middle, high school, and even college,” Nicole explained during an interview with WLBT. The close-knit siblings have taken every step side by side. However, Caitlin and Courtney didn’t exactly follow in Nicole’s footsteps, as their history with the hospital began long before their careers.

“Twenty-two years ago, in September, we were both born here,” Courtney said, recalling the twins’ birth at the same hospital where they now work. A heartwarming photo shows Nicole as a child, caring for her newborn sisters—foreshadowing the future as they now navigate the hospital halls together as professionals.

Caring for others runs deep in the Gibbs family. Their mother and aunt are also healthcare workers, and there’s potential for more family members to join. The Gibbs have another set of twin sisters, who are just nine years old. While they have time to decide their path, it wouldn’t be surprising if they, too, end up working at the hospital.

“If we all worked here, that would be crazy,” Caroline, one of the twins, joked. Nicole added with a smile, “Now that would be a good story to tell.”



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