Proud Daughter Celebrates Her Mom Becoming a Doctor at 50-Years Old

Atlanta, GA — Nya Syndab is proudly celebrating the success of her mom who has finally achieved her dream of becoming a doctor at the age of 50! Their story and photos have already gone viral online.“My mom became a doctor at 50! Dreams always come true. Congratulations, beautiful!” Syndab said in a tweet.

Syndab also revealed that her mother, who is a single parent, raised her and her brother alone and managed to send them both to college. They are from Atlanta, Georgia, and Nya herself is a graduate of Spelman College.

Her beautiful mother was a high school teacher before she quit her job to pursue her Doctor of Chiropractic degree. She completed her Doctorate degree in 6 and a half years and says that it was worth it.

Syndab’s post has gone viral with nearly hundreds of thousands of likes and many people inspired. A lot of people congratulated the family and noted that her mom actually looks a lot younger than her age.



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