Nationwide — The Authors Study Club, Inc. proudly presents Dr. Donna J. Nicol, acclaimed author of “Black Woman on Board,” as the next featured guest in the Our Authors Study Club, Inc. “OASC At the Bilbrew” author talk series. This enlightening event will take place on Saturday, August 10, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the AC Bilbrew Library, 150 E. El Segundo Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90061.
• Free admission (RSVP required at
• Light brunch provided
• Book signing opportunity (Books available for purchase)
• Moderated discussion by Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, Executive Director of the Mervyn Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute (MDAAPEI) at California State University, Dominguez Hills
Dr. Nicol, Associate Dean of Personnel and Curriculum in the College of Liberal Arts and professor of history at California State University Long Beach, will offer attendees a rare glimpse into the university boardroom. Her groundbreaking book, “Black Woman on Board: Claudia Hampton, the California State University, and the Fight to Save Affirmative Action,” uncovers and explores the crucial role Black women educational leaders have played in advancing access and equity in higher education and in a broader context for all.
The presentation will focus on Dr. Claudia H. Hampton, the first Black woman trustee and later the first woman chair of the California State University (CSU) system board. Dr. Nicol will delve into Hampton’s twenty-year fight (1974-94) to increase access for historically marginalized and underrepresented groups within the CSU system, highlighting how Hampton navigated white backlash against changes brought on by the 1960s Civil Rights and Black Power Movements.
In an era where Vice President Kamala Harris stands as a presumptive presidential nominee, Dr. Nicol’s work gains even greater relevance. The story of Dr. Claudia Hampton’s pioneering role in the CSU system parallels the path of trailblazers like Harris, who have broken barriers in the highest echelons of government. This event offers a unique opportunity to explore the historical context that has paved the way for today’s Black women leaders.
Attendees will gain valuable insights into the historical precedents that have shaped the current political landscape, making this event particularly timely and relevant in light of Vice President Harris’s groundbreaking career.
“As we witness history in the making with Vice President Harris’s potential presidential nomination, understanding the legacy of Black women’s leadership in education becomes crucial,” says Lura Ball, President of OASC. “The strategies and resilience demonstrated by leaders like Dr. Hampton have direct implications for how we view and support Black women in positions of power today.”
This occasion promises to be an inspiring event with an insightful discussion moderated by Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, Executive Director of the Mervyn Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute (MDAAPEI) on the campus of California State University, Dominguez Hills. Subjects that include the intersection of race, gender, and power in higher education are certain to be lively topics.
OASC believes that there is a clear connection between the historical narrative presented in Dr. Nicol’s work and the current political climate. This alone provides a compelling reason for people to attend the event. That narrative frames the discussion within a broader context of Black women’s leadership and progress in America. “We invite everyone to join us in learning about the women who created tools to shatter glass ceilings,” says Lura Ball.
Admission is free to the public. However, space is limited. An RSVP is requested online at
For more information about this and other OASC programs log on to
About the Author:
Dr. Donna J. Nicol is a distinguished scholar with a doctorate in Educational Studies from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on race, conservative philanthropy, U.S. higher education, and the history of African American women’s educational activism. Dr. Nicol’s work has been widely published in academic journals and encyclopedias.
About the Moderator:
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, Executive Director of the Mervyn Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute (MDAAPEI) on the campus of California State University, Dominguez Hills., is an accomplished author, columnist, and scholar. With six books and over 1,100 articles to his name, Dr. Samad is one of the most widely read feature columnists in the African American press today.
About Our Authors Study Club, Inc. (OASC):
Located in Los Angeles, since 1945 Our Authors Study Club (OASC) has dedicated itself to promoting awareness, connection, and investment in the African American and African diaspora experience. They believe that Black history is American history and strive to recognize, amplify, and honor the contributions of Black Americans. Be sure to follow the brand on Facebook @OurAuthorsStudyClub
For press inquiries, contact Lura Ball at 213-400-3489 or