Officer Darren Wilson, Who Killed Unarmed Teen Michael Brown, Has SECRETLY Testified In Front of a Grand Jury

Officer Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, MO police officer who shot and killed in unarmed teen

St Louis, MO — According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Officer Darren Wilson, the police officer from Ferguson, MO who shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown on August 9th, has secretly testified Wednesday before a grand jury convened to investigate the shooting. Wilson testified for almost four hours in front of the seven men and five women (nine whites and three African-Americans) that make up the grand jury.Not many other details have been released, but sources says Wilson was “cooperative” as he conversed with St. Louis County investigators and one with federal investigators. Reportedly, several witnesses have also testified before the grand jury, but a spokesman for the prosecution refused to identify which ones.

The proceedings will determine whether or not Wilson will be charged with murder. In Missouri, nine grand jurors (or 3/4 of the total) have to agree there is sufficient probable cause to charge someone with a crime.

Robert P. McCulloch, the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, has already reportedly ordered an audio recording and transcripts of the proceedings, but those records will only be made public if there is no indictment in the case.

Meanwhile, the Brown family and local protesters have been irked by the secret proceedings. They have reportedly disrupted meetings with phone calls to remove McCulloch from office, questioning whether or not he can fairly oversee the case because his father and other family members are police officers. Even more, McCulloch could have filed charges against Wilson himself, but has chosen instead to let a grand jury decide.

Many say that such secret proceedings will only spark more protesting and looting.



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