New spoken words CDs from one of the greatest minds of our time aim to disrupt mediocrity and demand excellence!
Chicago, IL — Watchwell Communications, Inc. announces the groundbreaking release of 3 innovative CDs by bestselling author and professional speaker, Orlando Ceaser. There is More to Me, explores our potential and exposes the greatness within us. It contains 11 songs; from the instructional mantra for teaching children, Read By 5 and Lead By 10 to the responsibility of Athletes Leading As Role Models (ALARM). The songs inspire, challenge and remind us that we are worthy. Gentlemen in Training is a plea to train young men to develop individuality, proper etiquette and respect for women. This resource is a musical reminder to supplement other programs that develop character and values in our youth.
America, the Dream, was written before Barack H. Obama became President of the United States of America. With the benefit of current vision, we can see how the message of hope and change was received by opposing forces. The CD has six narrations on our commitment to democracy, the right to vote, America as a beacon of light and a symbol of freedom. Hope: For the Difficult Days Ahead is a call for justice, unity and cooperation. It’s poetic eloquence, cries for a greater, more compassionate country and bringing out the very best in America.
About Orlando Ceaser
Orlando Ceaser is a visionary author, a practical storyteller, thought leader and voiceover specialist. His unique communication style accesses the creative elements to forge an innovative approach. His mission is to inspire individuals to recognize their gifts and fulfill their calling. He aspires to entertain, educate and inspire people to unlock their leadership greatness to reach their dreams.
Orlando is the author of 12 books, 6 CDs, The ‘O’ Zone Leadership Blog ( and 2 comic strips. His primary topics are leadership, business, personal development, self-determination, better decision-making, diversity and inclusion, improving relationships and achievement. Books include the Unlock Your Leadership Greatness series, Unlock the Secrets of Ozone Leadership, Teach the Children to Dance, and The Isle of Knowledge, featuring the Know System(TM) Decision-Making Model. His books are available at and The CDs are available through most music streaming services.
The CDs are also on YouTube, with 4 video selections below:
1. The Beauty and Power of Darkness (3:29)
2. Athletes Leading As Role Models (ALARM) (3:42)
3. I Came Before You for Many Reasons (4:26)
4. Read by 5 and Lead by 10 (2:28)
Orlando is available for professional speaking engagements and interviews.
Orlando Ceaser
Watchwell Communications, Inc.