Award-winning legal thriller author and attorney Pamela Samuels Young has released her new book, ‘Failure To Protect,’ about bullying and child suicide.
Nationwide — After learning about the suicide deaths of two 9-year old Alabama girls, Pamela Samuels Young decided to take on this rising epidemic in her new novel entitled Failure to Protect. She is one of America’s leading African-American authors of legal thrillers, having penned 14 books over a span of a 20-year writing career.
In researching the subject, Young was stunned to learn that the suicide rate for African-American kids under 12 is twice that of white kids.
“We need to end the silence shrouding suicide,” Young says. “By writing a legal thriller that both entertains and educates, it’s my hope to help do that.”
For more information or to purchase Failure to Protect and Pamela’s other books, visit
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Watch her interview talking about her new book, Failure to Protect, on KTLA 5:
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