“Playing While Hurt” By Author Terri V. Steward Brings Much-Needed Awareness to Domestic Violence

— “Generational Curse and Domestic Violence: The Twain Shall Meet Over and Over Again” —

Book cover and author, Terri V. Steward

Valdosta, GA — Terri V. Steward, author of the new exclusive Playing While Hurt, brings awareness to domestic biolence while sharing her personal revelation in dealing with the scars of generational curses. In this book, she communicates with her readers the transparency of being a child of domestic violence and on track for being doomed to the same reality, except for one major factor that is revealed through the writing of her story. The book will release March 7th, 2015. Randall Godfrey, former University of Georgia Bulldog, as well as former Dallas Cowboy and Tennessee Titan writes an inspiring call-to-action foreword while Jessie Tuggle, former Valdosta State University Blazer and Atlanta Falcon writes an effective afterword.This book is a “love” story about Steward’s mother who falls prey to domestic abuse because she is in search of love. She becomes a victim of her circumstances, but not in the way one would imagine. Steward takes readers along with her on a quest in trying to understand her mother’s journey and she allows them to arrive at closure at the single moment that she does the same. She details her mother’s encounters with her abusive husbands throughout the book, and does not shy away from the truth, nor does she dramatize the facts. She is honest, raw, and courageous in her words. She is strengthened by her mother’s strength. Her mother is more than a conqueror, and this is made clear in Steward’s first book, Playing While Hurt.

The realistic imagery and attention grabbing stories take you to a place of wonder. The narrative causes you to think and it challenges you to question your own relationships with the ones you love. Reading this book is like re-living every moment, second by second, with Steward and her older brother, which creates a sense of connection to the story itself.

Terri Steward is an author with a message; her mission is to tell her story so she can help anyone she can through the horrors of domestic violence. She has earned a number of degrees ranging from Sociology to Special Education to Education Specialist and continues to evolve into the woman she hopes to be. She has many passions and talents, and is on the road to pursuing every last one of them. Hailing from South Georgia, she brings light to the mystery of the South, and provides insight to those unfamiliar with the culture of “silence.”

For more details and/or to purchase the book, visit www.getitwrite-consulting.com/authors/terri-v-steward/ or Amazon.com


About Get It “Write” Consulting, LLC
Get It “Write” Consulting, LLC is a black owned indie publishing company whose mission is to provide high quality literature that affects change in people’s lives. It’s owner, Caterina M. Orr, has received her Master of Arts degree in English and Masters in Science degree in Publishing. Her goal is to work with all people, particularly people of color, to aid them in telling their stories. “So many times, African Americans remain voiceless when their stories could possibly help others bring about closure in their own lives. Our ancestry is that of griots, great storytellers, and Get It “Write” Consulting, LLC is vested in bringing those stories to light,” Orr comments.

About NoMORE.org
The unfortunate viewing of the Ray Rice incident has brought light to a tragic epidemic that plagues this society. According to The Huffington Post’s “30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics that Remind Us Its an Epidemic,” three women are murdered everyday by a previous or current partner. In 2011 alone, 1,509 women were killed by men with whom they were acquainted; 926 were intimate partners and 264 of them were led on by arguments. This epidemic concern has drawn more attention year after year as the statistics take its climb on the rating ladder. According to Safehorizon.org, one out of four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime; 60% of the actual abuse occurs in the home shared with the abuser. Women ages 20-24 are at a higher risk of experiencing domestic violence, contributing to intimate partner violence being the leading cause of female homicide, pregnancy deaths, and injuries. Furthermore, according to Feminista Jones of Time.org, Black women are almost three times as likely as White women to experience death as a result of domestic violence. It is one of the leading causes of death for Black women ages 15 to 35. Nonetheless, Black women are also less likely to report or seek help when victimized. Get It “Write” Consulting, LLC has partnered with www.NoMORE.org to break the silence. NO MORE is a public awareness and engagement campaign focused on ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Its website states “64% of Americans believe if [society] talked more about domestic violence and sexual assault, it would make it easier to help someone.”


Caterina M. Orr



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