Private Autopsy Requested By Family Shows Michael Brown Was Shot SIX TIMES — TWICE IN THE HEAD!!

Ferguson, MO — A private autopsy on Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen who was fatally shot by a white police officer in a St. Louis suburb, shows that the 18-year old was shot six times – twice in the head, and four times in his right arm. Experts say that this seems to indicate over aggression on the part of the officer because the teen was unarmed.According to The New York Times, the autopsy was carried out at the request of Brown’s family by Dr. Michael Baden, a former NYC chief medical examiner. Baden says that one of the bullets struck the top of Brown’s skull, and may suggest that he was bent forward when he was shot. Others says he could have been charging towards the officer.

All of the bullets entered from the teen’s front, and only three of the bullets were recovered from Brown’s body.

Dr. Baden reportedly did not have access to Brown’s clothes to determine if there may have been gunpower residue, indicated that he was fired on from close range. He also says he did not have access to X-rays which could have clarified the autopsy results, nor does he have access to statements from witnesses or the police.

Baden told The New York Times that his findings were not meant to resolve the controversy over the alleged police brutality. He commented, “We need more information; for example, the police should be examining the automobile to see if there is gunshot residue in the police car.”

But this will not be the final autopsy

Attorney General Eric Holder has also ordered a federal medical examiner to perform an autopsy on Brown’s body. He said the situation has “extraordinary circumstances” and that he is authorizing a federal examination. “This independent examination will take place as soon as possible,” a spokesman from the Justice Dept said.

To read the full New York Times article, visit www.nytimes.com/2014/08/18/us/michael-brown-autopsy-shows-he-was-shot-at-least-6-times.html



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