YADA CEO Rayford Roberson is Setting New Standards With Growing Social Media Network

Silicon Valley, CA — Rayford Roberson, founder and CEO of YADA, feels very deeply in his heart that his love of his faith enabled him to achieve and accomplish things in his life that he could have never imagined as a Black man from cotton fields who evolved from a very poor and humbling beginning. He excelled on the football field at Dublin High School and at San Jose State University as a football star.Today, Roberson is changing social media by integrating 100 top international languages and offering easily accessible resources for wills, deeds, notes, power of attorneys, leases, bible verses, financial documents, including 100 interactive applications of America’s Wealth managements programming all with free downloading.

Yada 4.0 is setting the standard with such a mass undertaking to bring the world such innovation in the history of technology. Roberson has his own SOS (Small Operating System) allowing users to create their own call lettering for their personal TV or radio station. In addition, users can run their programming 24/7 off this TV network, broadcasting their creative theory and dreams for which family and friends will enjoy for a lifetime.

Learn more at YADACorp.TV


YADA Corporation
(559) 369-3413



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