Chicago, IL — African American women looking for a dose of empowerment now have an exciting resource to help them thanks to the release of a new collection of adult coloring books by transformational health/wellness coach, author and speaker, Rhonda Thomas.Thomas is dedicated to helping African American women achieve balance in the second half of their life. The Rhon’s Way adult coloring book collection features seven themed coloring books on topics such as relationships, self-care, health and goals.
Each coloring book features dynamic, fun and engaging illustrations depicting black women in powerful scenarios. Women can choose a coloring book based on their interest or how they are feeling on a particular day. For instance, her Working My Dream Into My Reality entrepreneur/career coloring book is designed to help women realize they do not have to spend their life working in jobs that don’t value or satisfy her, but she can explore options using her knowledge and skills to transition into her own business as an entrepreneur if she desires.
Coloring is typically an activity enjoyed by children. But more and more adults are tapping into the therapeutic value of coloring books. The capacity to reduces stress through coloring is nothing new. In fact, long before the first commercial success of adult coloring books in 2012, one study conducted by Curry and Kasser in 2005 found that coloring mandalas (circle pictures) resulted in decreased heart rate and improved mood.
Over the last five years adult coloring books have been the rage. But unlike the average coloring book on the market, Thomas’ adult coloring books not only allow women to destress by coloring, but they are empowered in the process through the thoughtful illustrations, captions and journal prompts.
When asked about her motivation for creating the collection of adult coloring books, Thomas said: “These coloring books are very important to me and I wanted to ensure that the images weren’t just random, but images that would inspire and motivate black women to rise above life’s challenges. Also, I love getting away from the phone (coloring apps/technology) and just spending quality time thinking, coloring, and creating pretty images. I find it very therapeutic; hence the positive messages that I’m sharing to make my Sistars* think about being their best self and getting to their happy.”
Already adults from all across the country are enjoying Thomas’ adult coloring book collection. One customer said: “These coloring books speaks to who I am as a black woman. I’ve never seen anything like this coloring book that represents me, is fun, and speaks my language as a mature adult.”
The coloring books are available for purchase on the author’s website for a retail price of $22 each or purchase all seven of them for a discounted price of $122. For further details or to browse the collection, visit:
Rhonda Thomas
(773) 789-7366