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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame is Looking For A City to Call Home for R&B Icons

Rhythm and Blues Hall of Fame

Detroit, MI — The Rhythm & Blues Music Foundation is looking for a home for such artists as The Temptations, The O’Jays, Aretha Franklin, Jackie Wilson, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Prince, and Elvis Presley – just to name a few.

The Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame was founded in 2010 by long time music lover and business entrepreneur LaMont Robinson. Since 2013, the Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame has inducted over 135 rhythm and blues legends at their annual star-studded ceremonies.

Cleveland has the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for rockers, and Nashville has the Country Music Hall of Fame for country music icons. There is a need for a hall of fame museum for rhythm & blues artists that have helped pave the way for some many genres of music.

Cheryl Ruffin, president of the Rhythm & Blues Music Foundation and the daughter of the late great David Ruffin of the Temptations, says that the Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame will be a 3-D highly interactive educational experience with a wall of fame, music theme restaurant and a 250-seat theater.

Robinson says any city that is interested in having this tourist attraction, that will bring more than 250,000 visitors per year plus the annual induction ceremony, will boost their economy. “For example,” he says, “look at what the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the Country Music Hall of Fame has done for both cities Cleveland and Nashville.”

Any city that wants the title of The Rhythm & Blues Music Capital of the World, should contact the Rhythm & Blues Music Foundation at (313) 936-9616 or email them at rbhalloffame@gmail.com

Their official web site is www.RBHallofFame.com


Rhythm & Blues Music Hall of Fame
(313) 936-9616