Author Robertson Greene and his bookcover
Oakland, CA — Nearly two decades after completing undergraduate studies in English Literature and Theater, Robertson Greene releases his debut title, All Over the Place. Like so many students with an intense passion for the literary arts, Robertson, a gifted poet, reached a fork in the road and opted for an unrelated field. His life choice led him to pursue technical writing as a career and his words have anonymously become content that has been seen by millions.Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost has meant much to many English majors in the United States. Many whose passion for literature had stirred them to earn a college degree in this area have found themselves torn between aspirations of being the next great novelist or poet emeritus, and the security of a paycheck.
The dilemma becomes even more compelling when one’s aptitude and affinity for prose and verse show great promise, but not enough to overcome preconceived notions and the assumption that the career writer will be relegated to the starving artist.
Roberston Greene, however, has been writing, daily since age sixteen. After decades of writing daily, purely an outpouring of love for the craft, he has since amassed a catalog of several volumes of work. The advent of digital publishing has opened up opportunities for writers, like Robertson to publish with relative ease. Expertise from a career in an unrelated field allows these writers to then build a more polished author brand with more adequate resources and the sophistication of the business acumen they’ve acquired. And now, On-demand and e-book publishing on online platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing give authors access to millions of readers.
The 211-page collection of poetry, All Over the Place, is released by Dog Ear Publishing. These heartfelt sentiments cover a wide spectrum of life and love’s scenarios. And after decades of writing daily, Robertson Greene has follow-up volumes of his eloquently crafted verses ready for edits. This publication now serves as poetic justice, proof for him that destiny exists and that the different road leads to the same place.
About Robertson Greene
Robertson Greene is a native of the New Orleans, the Crescent City that is new to the literary world. He holds a Bachelor’s of Arts from Texas Southern University in Theatre and English Literature. Robertson Greene has traveled the world and has declared that his motivation has simply come from living everyday life. He writes from highs to lows sincerity. Crafted with descriptive luster, his sentiments will capture audiences.
For more information about Robertson Greene, visit or connect with him on Instagram @kingmrrobertson
For press and media inquiries, including promotional photos, and interviews, please contact Publicity Services at (202) 643-8608. For bulk orders or to schedule for book signings and speaking engagements, please contact Robertson Greene directly via email to