Say What? George Zimmerman Attacks Trayvon Martin’s Parents — Says, “They Didn’t Raise Their Son Right”

Nationwide — George Zimmerman just won’t quit! In a recent interview with The Daily Beast, he said that the parents of Trayvon Martin “didn’t raise their son right.” He also said that the Black Lives Matter movement a “fraudulent, violent campaign”.Zimmerman, who made headlines in 2012 for shooting and killing unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, was acquitted of second-degree murder in 2013. That case triggered a nationwide outcry over a growing trend of violence towards unarmed African Americans.

Now, four years later, Zimmerman is taunting Martin’s parents and has even publicly auctioned off the gun he used to kill their son. The gun reportedly sold for almost $140,000 to an undisclosed buyer.

“They didn’t raise their son right. He attacked a complete stranger and attempted to kill him,” Zimmerman said.

He even calls them out by name: “Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin did everything they could to capitalize on her son’s death,” he said. “She was never a mother figure to him. Tracy Martin couldn’t have cared less about their son. He treated him like a dog without a leash.”

Why sell the gun?

When asked why he wants to sell the gun, Zimmerman replied, “It is what was used to save my life from a near-death brutal attack by Trayvon Martin. If it was a stick or mace, it’s the one tool I had that prevented Trayvon from killing me.”

But The Daily Beast says that Zimmerman is marketing the gun as “a symbol of liberty and American history – something to be treasured and owned by a patriot.”

Does he feel sorry for the family’s loss?

When asked if he even cares about how the family might feel, Zimmerman replied, “Sure, I’m sorry for any parent that has lost a child. That being said, I also believe it’s their duty to have an internal dialogue to see what they should have done better and what they should have done appropriately.”

To read the full interview, visit www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/05/17/george-zimmerman-taunts-trayvon-martin-s-parents-they-didn-t-raise-their-son-right.html



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