Black Teen Earns More Than $1M in Scholarships From 18 Colleges

Philadelphia, PA — Shanya Robinson-Owens, a 17-year old high school student from Philadelphia, is excited after getting accepted into 18 colleges and receiving more than $1 million in scholarships.“I was really shocked. I didn’t know what to do,” she said. “I didn’t know if I should cry, laugh. I didn’t know what to do.”

Aside from getting accepted from schools including La Salle University, Temple University, Moravian College, Lincoln University, and Cabrini University, she also received $1,074,260 in total scholarships.

“We are overjoyed,” her aunt Christine Owens told Good Morning America. “I knew she wouldn’t have a problem getting into colleges, but we didn’t know they would award her this much money in scholarship funds.”

Shanya, who currently studies at George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science, has a 3.2 GPA. She said her favorite subject is chemistry and she plans to study psychology in college.

She has so far been accepted to 18 out of the 20 colleges she applied to. She said she’d take some time to wait to hear back from the two other schools before checking out the campuses and finally deciding which college to attend.

Shanya shared that to achieve educational goals, it’s important to be patient and stay focused. She added, “If you need to have some time away, it’s OK. You can tell your teachers that because they know you’re stressed.”



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