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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Black Mom of 2 Who Unlawfully Lost Her Golden Corral Franchise Says It Has Cost Her $10M in 52 Days

Sherrance Henderson

Nationwide — Cornucopia Queen, Inc (CQI) DBA Golden Corral, which is owned by Sherrance Henderson, an African American mother of two autistic children, is moving forward in the pre-trial preparation of her legal battle against Golden Corral Franchise Systems with allegations of racial discrimination and financial devastation. In 2017, Henderson bought, built, and opened a Golden Corral franchise in Poughkeepsie, New York but says that her license was unlawfully terminated after just 52 days in business. She is now seeking justice for a loss of almost $10 million.

CQI has added a renowned Civil Rights firm, The Hamlin Firm of Newark New Jersey which has defended cases for Wendy Williams, Malcolm X’s family legacy, and media mogul Wendy Williams.

Henderson’s legal team recently uncovered during discovery that the financial damage inflicted was significantly higher than initially reported, surpassing $9.8 million. The funds lost were primarily derived from a medical malpractice settlement awarded to Henderson, which she meticulously invested to secure her and her family’s future through the Golden Corral franchise.

Case Background: In 2017, Sherrance Henderson’s company, Cornucopia Queen, Inc., invested her life savings of more than $9.8 million, primarily from a medical malpractice award, to open a Golden Corral franchise in Poughkeepsie, New York. Just 52 days after opening, Golden Corral Franchise Systems terminated her license without allowing any opportunity to rectify alleged minor infractions. These infractions included three cigarette butts in an ashtray outside, a few pieces of debris in the parking lot, workers without sanitary hats, and minor temperature discrepancies in buffet trays.

The sudden termination led to the foreclosure of Henderson’s home and her Golden Corral franchise, forcing her into financial ruin. Ms. Henderson, once a multi-millionaire, now relies on food stamps and other state and federal resources for survival. She alleges that her treatment by Golden Corral Franchise Systems was rooted in racial, gender, and disability discrimination.

Cornucopia Queen, Inc. was given no opportunity to address the alleged infractions, unlike other non-Black and male franchise owners who were given ample time to make corrections. For instance, a white male owner and a non-Black female owner were given significant time to rectify similar issues, while Henderson was not afforded the same consideration.

Ms. Henderson’s struggle began in 2013 when she signed a 15-year franchise contract with Golden Corral. She was initially forced to bring in male partners and later faced additional obstacles when Golden Corral refused to honor her Newark, NJ, license agreement, ultimately compelling her to accept the Poughkeepsie location.

With the court’s approval to pursue punitive damages, Ms. Henderson and her legal team are determined to seek justice for the loss of her life savings and the unjust closure of her business.

Legal Proceedings: The case, titled 19 CV 2878 (NSR), is being heard in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (S.D.N.Y.). As of March 21, 2023, the court has acknowledged the significant financial and emotional damages inflicted upon Ms.
Henderson, allowing her to pursue punitive damages against Golden Corral Franchise Systems.

Meet the Legal Team: Henderson’s formidable legal team is led by the Ray Hamlin Firm, renowned for representing media mogul Wendy Williams in her federal lawsuit against HOT 97 radio station and protecting Malcolm X’s family legacy, and being among the top 50 awarded judgment attorneys in New Jersey. Isaac Wright Jr. never gave up on fighting for truth, which led to his exoneration, and now focuses on defending the wrongly accused and challenging corrupt institutions.

Founded in 2015 by Sherrance Henderson, Cornucopia Queen Inc. emerged from Henderson’s entrepreneurial ambitions and her commitment to providing for her family. Henderson, an alum of Howard University and Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School, has authored over seven books and continually seeks to overcome personal and professional obstacles despite her physical disability and the challenges of raising two children with autism. She is raising funds online via a GoFundMe page.

For press inquiries or media interviews, contact Angel Bermudez Law Firm at 786-479-5483 or 786-479-5483.