14-Year Old College Student at Spelman Makes the Dean’s List During 1st Semester

Atlanta, GA — Sydney Wilson, the youngest student admitted to Spelman College, has recently achieved another milestone as she ended the first semester as a college student with a 3.76 GPA, making it to the Dean’s list.Wilson started attending the prestigious HBCU this fall, where she majored in Biology. The teen prodigy hopes to one day find a cure to most human illnesses.

She took a full course load filled with classes like Population Biology, Big Questions Colloquia, and African Diaspora & The World, but she managed it all like a pro.

Wilson admitted that it was challenging at first, especially that he had to live on the campus away from her parents at a rather young age. But she is taking control of all of it, even finishing the first semester with flying colors.

“There have definitely been some ups and downs but the ups certainly outweigh the downs,” Wilson told Because of Them We Can. “It was a little hard in the beginning being away from my family but luckily I got to see them often. I am now able to see how the semester has impacted my life, refined my character and gifted me the ability to see things from different perspectives.”

Now, Wilson is definitely looking forward to the next semester hoping to continue and even improve her feat, now that she’s more accustomed to college life.



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