Founder Launches Black Crypto News Platform to Empower and Educate the Black Community in Web 3

Nationwide — Takevius Carmon, the founder and CEO of Carmon Media Inc, a Raleigh-based media company, today announced the launch of BlackCrypto.news, a platform dedicated to educating, informing, and fostering a community of like-minded individuals in the rapidly growing world of Web 3. As a Black-owned business, Black Crypto News aims to be an advocate for the inclusion and representation of black people in the emerging decentralized internet landscape.Black Crypto News offers the latest news, insights, and resources related to blockchain, cryptocurrency, and decentralized technologies, with a focus on empowering the black community to engage and succeed in this revolutionary space. The platform aims to bridge the knowledge gap and create opportunities for black individuals and businesses to participate in and benefit from the growing digital economy.

“The black community has immense potential to contribute to and benefit from the Web 3 revolution,” said Takevius. “By providing accessible information and resources, I hope to empower our community to take advantage of new opportunities, drive innovation, and create a more inclusive digital future.”

To stay updated on the latest news, events, and developments, follow Black Crypto News on X and Facebook. Join the conversation and become part of a thriving community dedicated to advancing the role of Black people in Web 3.

For more information, visit BlackCrypto.news

Carmon Media Inc. is a Black-owned media company based in Raleigh, NC, specializing in creating platforms to inform, educate, and engage communities. Through blackcrypto.news, the company aims to be a leading voice and advocate for the representation and inclusion of black people in Web 3, fostering a vibrant and diverse digital ecosystem.

For press inquiries, contact info@blackcrypto.news



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