Target Lowers The Price Of Black Barbie Doll After Man Complains…

Nationwide — Target recently agreed to lower the price of an African American Barbie doll after Warren Johnson, a concerned father, questioned why it cost twice as much as the white doll.Apparently, Target.com had the white Barbie Fashion Design Maker doll on sale for $23.49, but the same exact African American doll was listed online for $49.99. Johnson noticed the drastic price difference and decided to tweet about it, and Target responded by taking action.

He commented to one radio station, “When my daughter asked the question, ‘Why is the black doll more expensive than the white doll?’ I really didn’t have an answer for her.”

Target has since apologized for the error and lowered the price of the African American Barbie. Both dolls ran for $20.99 last week, but this week the price is back up to $40.



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