Single Black Mom Reveals How Homeschooling Her Son Helped Him Defy the Odds

Nationwide — Teressa Kennedy, a single mom from Northern California, says that making the decision to homeschool her middle-school-aged son helped him to defy the odds. As a parent, she felt that traditional classrooms were not doing enough for her child’s education, and this inspired her to write a book entitled Contrast Brings Clarity: The Unexpected Path that Led Me to Homeschooling that thoroughly analyzes every aspect of traditional teaching ideas and methods. It also explains why the education system in the U.S. has been heavily criticized by education professionals and parents over the years.Teressa, an author and entrepreneur who has a true passion for education, says that after deciding to homeschool her son, she tried to teach him the way she was taught, and then she realized the futility of the conventional methods of teaching. She aspires to make other parents, families, and educators understand how a more personalized education system is needed to offer the full benefits of education and preserve the individuality of children through her book.

The book takes readers through the journey of the author homeschooling her son to provide him with proactive and tailored teaching. The problems she faced with contemporary teaching techniques are highly relatable to a countless number of parents. Her story of overcoming obstacles and providing her son with the best education possible is sure to inspire readers to make positive changes in their own lives.

Available on Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook versions, Contrast Brings Clarity: The Unexpected Path that Led Me to Homeschooling shows how the generalized education system is not a perfect fit for every child and how it is hindering their future potential to become the best versions of themselves. In the book, the proud mom talks about the benefits of homeschooling and how it is more personalized as per the needs and requirements of the children.

The book has reached the number 1 spot on the New Releases in Education Organizations and Institutions list, number 2 on the Bestsellers in Education Assessment list, and number 3 on the Bestsellers in Education Organizations and Institutions list on Amazon.

For more information about the book and/or the author, visit ProudHomeSchoolMom.com

For press inquiries, contact teressamichelle@yahoo.com



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