Award-Winning Black Author Releases New Book Series That Deals With Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Development

Readers can download one of his newest books for free

Therone Shellman

Nationwide — Books are a very important learning tool within a society, and this has been so ever since the written word was manifested. In fact, Therone Shellman acknowledges that books saved him from a life of crime, self-destruction and even possibly death. Therefore, it’s no wonder when he decided to write, the decision was made to pen works which will enlighten, and inspire.“People of African descent need to tell their own stories, read their stories, tell their own history from their perspective, and read their history from their perspective. Most of all they need to define their own narrative,” Shellman explains.

It’s this sense of responsibility, Therone has taken on with the introduction of his first book over a decade ago, Love Don’t Live Here (revised edition). A novel based on the lives of two young African American women. Who through different circumstances become single mothers. Both realize, their main plight in life is to raise their sons to become productive men within a society, which is geared toward their demise.

Therone, is the author of several books, fiction and non-fiction. Within the fiction genre, he’s come to be known for writing realistic, true to life characters.

Through, the first 3 books of the Third Eye Awakening non-fiction series, the author/speaker takes on the important topics of spirituality, mentality development, physical health and practices. The purpose of the series is to assist individuals with matters dealing with the whole self in relation to health, lifestyle and quality of life.

Survival of the Fittest, the latest project, Therone sees as a way of paying it forward. The free e-book is a look into the mind state of champions, persevering, overcoming obstacles, adapting to change, and moving forward.

“No matter what race one classifies themselves as. There’s something for everyone, to learn from my works. Just as well as I learn from others,” Therone explains.

For more information about Therone Shellman, visit www.theronesmedia.com

Survival of the Fittest is now available for Free download at Smashwords. All of Therone’s other books are available at Amazon, BarnesandNoble, and Books A Million.

Follow Therone Shellman at Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin.


Therone Shellman



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