Black Entrepreneur Whose All-Natural, Organic Body Scrubs Are Sold in Target Launches Nationwide 20-City Tour

Nationwide — Tiffany Nicole Cartwright, Founder and CEO of G.L.A.M. Body Scrubs is on a mission to retain her company’s position on Target store shelves so she can help others get there as well. Her 20-city tour celebrates her Black Heritage with a commitment to continuing to fight for change.“Black businesses only occupy 6% of retail space despite being the largest consumer base. Not only are we underrepresented we are often underfunded making it difficult to remain on the shelf,” says Tiffany.

She comments, “I am firmly committed to changing that narrative by helping and supporting as many other Black Founders as I can.”

In a fight to retain her company’s position on Target shelves, with no funding or budget for national marketing and advertising, Tiffany has decided to jump in her truck and tour stores on her own to help promote brand awareness and generate sales.

She adds, “My motto is ‘when it gets on the shelf it does not sell itself’, and I am committed to doing everything humanly possible to make sure I retain my position on the shelf not just for me but for all the Black Founders that are coming behind me.”

“As a Black Founder in the retail space, I believe we have an obligation to do everything possible to blaze the trail for others and hold the door open for them. If the door closes for me, I can no longer hold it open for anyone else. And that is just not acceptable. ”

G.L.A.M. stands for Give Love to All Mankind and was birthed in response to the senseless killings of Black Americans in the U.S.

She is deeply committed to fighting poverty, unemployment, incarceration, and recidivism by providing jobs, training, and mentorship to underserved, underprivileged members of the community, especially women who have been victim of domestic violence, human trafficking, and returning citizens.

“I am a firm believer that in order to see the change you have to be the change.”

Cartwright plans to drive from Detroit to major metropolitan cities throughout the country donating samples of her G.L.A.M. Body Scrubs and doing on-site demos & popups with customers using her portable sink which she keeps in the back of her truck.

“I refuse to let the lack of funding force me off the shelf, and I am determined to fight for my business, and for opportunities other Black businesses.”

Tiffany looks forward to the road tour and plans to share the entire journey throughout the month of June via social media.

Learn more about the brand at its official website at GlamBodyScrubs.co

Also, follow the brand on Instagram @GlamBodyScrubs

For press inquiries, contact (248) 291-4876 or tiffany@glambodyscrubs.co



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