NYC High School Basketball Coach Charged with Shooting a Parent

Brooklyn, NY — Todd Myles, a basketball coach at a high school in New York City, has been charged and arrested for shooting Christopher Hooks, the father of one of his players, who apparently showed up to his house to confront him about his son’s short playing time.The shooting incident happened on December 22 last year. The police were called to Myles’ house, where Myles claimed that a third man shot them and immediately fled the scene.

Hooks was seriously injured and taken to the hospital. He was intubated and couldn’t talk to the investigators about the incident for about a month. When he recovered, he told a completely different story.

Myles, a 42-year-old basketball coach at Paul Robeson High School, allegedly lied to the police about what happened. Hooks said it was Myles who shoot him, not any other random man.

Although Myles was actually also shot in his legs, it wasn’t clear yet if he deliberately shot himself in an attempt to cover up his doings or if the bullet ricocheted.

Myles was arrested and taken into custody on Friday for charges of attempted murder, assault and criminal use of a firearm.

The Department of Education called the allegations against Myles “incredibly shocking” and issued a statement saying, “We immediately reassigned Mr. Myles away from students and we’ll work to remove him from payroll as soon as legally possible. We are providing support to the school and are working with the NYPD throughout this investigation.”



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