Trusted Health Plan, District of Columbia is transforming healthcare through proven innovative, holistic and affordable member-focused approaches that get results

Tommy Duncan, founder and CEO of Trusted Health Plan
Washington, DC — Tommy Duncan, founder and CEO of Trusted Health Plan, District of Columbia (Trusted) received this year’s prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award® (EOY) in the Mid-Atlantic Health category. On June 13th, at EY’s special gala at The Ritz-Carlton Georgetown, Mid-Atlantic awardees were announced and celebrated. Recognized as one of the most prestigious business award programs in the country, EOY recognizes the most dynamic, transformational and innovative leaders in the nation. These unstoppable trailblazer entrepreneurs reimagine and redefine everything we do… the way we live, work and play.
About Trusted Health Plan:
Trusted Health Plan (Trusted) is a fully licensed and NCQA accredited health maintenance organization based in Washington, DC. The member-centric “high-touch” health plan focuses on personal member engagement to change behaviors and improve medical outcomes while reducing costs. With over 35,000 members and growing, Trusted is dedicated and committed to improving the health status of its members through a variety of proven approaches, as well as the introduction of innovative programs to benefit the health and vitality of its members.
Trusted has been very successful in managing healthcare costs through engaging members to reduce unnecessary emergency room visits and hospitalizations, while increasing visits to their primary care doctors for preventive services. Additionally, the Trusted team has developed an industry-leading, algorithmic-based care management system that deftly identifies high risk, rising risk, and imminent risk within its membership. With this information, Trusted is able to identify its members in most need of health educational, social support and medical services before their health issues become unmanageable and very costly.
Trusted’s Health and Wellness Outreach Centers (Centers) in Washington DC’s Wards 4 and 8 are easily accessible to its membership. The Centers take a total comprehensive health and wellness approach in their commitment to providing 1) quality health education programs, 2) health promotion activities including cooking demonstration classes in Spanish, Amharic and English and 3) personalized case management and social service resources for members to maintain a healthy lifestyle and adopt a health conscious mindset. The Wellness Centers offer a sense of community, empowering members to become their own best healthcare advocates.
In 2017 and 2018 Trusted was recognized by the District of Columbia for exceeding the performance objectives put forth by the Department of Health Care Finance, which included reducing low acuity non-emergent visits to the emergency department, hospital readmissions within 30 days and potentially preventable hospital admissions. For more on Trusted, visited
About the EY & Entrepreneur of the Year® Program:
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
The Entrepreneur of the Year® program, founded by EY, has recognized the endeavors of exceptional men and women who create the products and services that keep our worldwide economy moving forward. Since its inception, Entrepreneur of the Year has grown dramatically and now includes programs in more than 145 cities and more than 60 countries worldwide. The Entrepreneur of the Year® US Awards gala is the culminating event of the Strategic Growth Forum®, the largest gathering of entrepreneurs in America. For more information about our organization, please visit
Michelle Bailey Media