Black Teen Killed In NYC After Clash Over His iPhone

Trevor Rhudd, killed after being shot over an iPhone

Queens, NY — 15-year-old Trevor Rhudd was found dead inside a Queens public housing development. His mother claims that the reason behind the killing was his iPhone and that he was shot by one of his own friends.“I know the friend that killed my son. He was being robbed for his phone,” said Annie Johnson, Trevor’s mother.

The police found Trevor lying on the floor with a gunshot wound to his chest about 1:30 pm on Saturday. He was dead on the spot and his pockets were turned out.

“I saw my son dead on the ground with his mouth open, I can’t get that out of my head. They turned his pockets out to steal his Christmas money,” Johnson said. “Nowadays you don’t need a reason to kill someone. My son was well known and well liked.”

Neighbors said that Trevor and the gunman were fighting over a phone. One of his relatives said he was about to eat when he received a call and left to meet a friend.

“His sandwich, his chips are still on his dresser. He was about to eat his food before he came outside. Then he got killed,” one of his relatives said.

A surveillance footage of the scene before the shooting was also found. Trevor was seen attacked by his four friends.

Later on the footage, a suspicious man appeared. 31-year-old Miles Sutton was captured running out of stairwell where Trevor came.

In the past, Sutton had been arrested for tampering with evidence, criminal possession of marijuana and criminal possession of a gun. But Trevor’s mother believes that Sutton was not the killer. She claims that the last number on her son’s phone was the number of the friend who killed him.

The investigation on the shooting is still ongoing.



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