The Truth About Valentine’s Day — Why Some People Choose Not To Celebrate It

Nationwide — Every year on February 14th, millions of people around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day. It is usually celebrated in the form of a man buying flowers, candy and/or a greeting card for his wife or girlfriend. He is generally expected to also take her to dinner that night. Some men even do this for their mothers, grandmothers, and other women in the family – especially if they are single.
But where did this holiday come from? And how did it start?

Valentine’s Day Has Pagan Origins

According to The World Book Encyclopedia, 1976 edition, Vol. 20, Page 24:

“Valentine’s Day comes on the feast day of two different Christian martyrs named Valentine. But the customs connected with the day . . . probably come from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia which took place every February 13-15. This pagan festival honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the god of nature.”

That word “pagan” by the way is defined as a person that holds religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions. In other words, pagan means non-Christian. Some find it very disturbing that a non-Christian holiday is so popular among millions of Christians worldwide.

Valentine’s Day Is Related To… Birds

According to Wikipedia:

During the Middle Ages it was believed that birds paired couples in mid-February. This was then associated with the romance of Valentine. This is the reason why Valentine’s day is widely recognized as a day for romance and devotion.

Why Some Choose Not To Celebrate

Many people choose not to celebrate Valentine’s Day citing that it originates with the honoring and worship of mythological gods. Others don’t like the fact that it was once related to a pagan festival. And others don’t celebrate it because… well, they feel that showing love to someone should be an every day thing – not just once a year!

Others are more frank; They say, “I want chocolate and flowers everyday!”

What do you think?



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