Despite Having Dyslexia, These Twin Brothers Earned Over $2.5M in Scholarships

Nationwide — Brin and Nial Wilson, twin brothers from Shreveport, Louisiana who have overcome the challenges of dyslexia, were offered over $2.5 million in college scholarships.The brothers, who graduated last year from Captain Shreve High School, had always done well in their math and science coursework, but they found their reading and social studies subjects challenging for them.

“When you have dyslexia, it’s going to be harder to learn like everyone else does. We would have to study a lot longer,” they told WAFB.

They were grateful for the support of their parents, Delano and Sonya Wilson, and they able to continue working hard in school, where they also actively played football.

They managed to apply for different colleges and were accepted into more than a dozen, including Morehouse College, St. John’s University, La Salle University, Loyola University, Louisiana Tech University, and Barry University.

“At first I didn’t really think anything of it. Like, oh, it’s just another school. Got accepted. I just really didn’t think anything about it.”

The twins haven’t yet decided where to attend college, but they are sure not to separate ways as they plan to both major in civil engineering in the same college.

“We’re just average students. Anybody can do what we did if you work hard in the classroom.



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