Two Siblings From Florida Died From COVID-19 Just 11 Days Apart

Nationwide — An African American mother from Florida is grieving the death of her two children who died from COVID-19 within just 11 days after their trip to Orlando, Florida.Hicks’ 20-year old son, Byron, and her 23-year old daughter, Mychaela, began feeling ill a few days after they returned from their vacation.

Byron was first taken to the hospital when he began to experience difficulty breathing. He sadly died from the coronavirus later that day.

11 days later, it was Mychaela who had to be rushed to the hospital after developing a fever and severe headache. She then lost a kidney and her liver began to fail. She also died due to the coronavirus the same day.

The siblings had “health issues, yes but honestly, I can’t say where they got this virus from because they basically was homebound,” their mom Monica Hicks told CNN. She said she can only trace back to their trip to Orlando for a vacation.

She added, “All I can say is, take this, take this (virus) very seriously, because it’s real, it’s out there. It’s not a joke. It’s not a game, it’s not something that the government… made up.”



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