Two Sisters From Illinois Died Just 9 Days Apart From Coronavirus

Chicago, IL — Patricia Frieson, a 61-year old retired nurse from Illinois, was the first reported death from the coronavirus in the state. Just 9 days later, her older sister, 63-year old Wanda Bailey, also died from the virus.When Patricia started having difficulties breathing, her family didn’t think it was that serious. Until she tested positive with COVID-19 and eventually died on March 16.

Unfortunately, on that same day, her family also found out that Wanda, her older sister, was taken to the ER due to cough. She died of pneumonia due to COVID-19 as well on March 25.

Their family has yet been sure why out of all the 9 siblings, Wanda was the one who got infected even though she has always stayed at home. But at one time, Patricia and Wanda apparently attended church together.

Moreover, their family is particularly grieving with the fact that they weren’t able to give the two sisters a final goodbye because of the necessary procedures in an infectious disease death.

“The toughest part about my sisters’ death is that they had to die alone in the hospital,” Frieson told CNN. “It’s just devastating to us that we couldn’t go to see them in their last moments.”

Currently, there are a total of more than 5,000 known cases of coronavirus in Illinois and 73 deaths.



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