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Black Woman Not Hired For Wearing Shorts to a Job Interview Sparks Online Debate

Tyreshia Morgan

Nationwide — A woman from San Antonio, Texas, named Tyreshia Morgan, has ignited a heated online debate after sharing her experience of being sent home from a job interview due to her outfit choice. In a video posted on TikTok that already has almost 6 million views, Tyreshia, who was job hunting in the San Antonio area, revealed that she was turned away by a recruiter because of the shorts she wore to the interview.

When Tyreshia arrived for the interview, the recruiter made the unexpected decision to reschedule it, suggesting that she return after changing into different attire. Surprised by this request, Tyreshia expressed her disbelief in the video, captioning it with, “I cannot believe the recruiter asked me to change my interview clothes then come back.”

In the TikTok video, Tyreshia provided a full view of her outfit, showcasing the shorts that became the focal point of the controversy. She defended her choice, asserting that she looked “very neat and professional” and saw no reason to change her attire. However, this stance quickly sparked a broader discussion about what constitutes appropriate office attire.

According to Fox 8 News, the reaction from viewers was mixed, with many criticizing Tyreshia’s choice of clothing for a job interview. Several commenters, some identifying as managers or recruiters, agreed with the decision to ask her to change, stating they would have done the same. One user remarked, “I would not hire you wearing this… I would have offered you a new interview as well but would have been a hard pass on you for this.”

Others echoed this sentiment, with one user, who claimed to work in HR, noting that the offer to reschedule the interview was more lenient than what she would have expected. “The fact they allowed you to change and have a redo says a lot. It would have been an immediate no here,” the user wrote, emphasizing the importance of first impressions in the hiring process.

Tyreshia’s video even extended beyond TikTok, as one commenter shared that their school had used the video to discuss the topic of school-appropriate dress codes. The incident has since continued to fuel discussions about professional attire and the expectations placed on job seekers.