What Is a 102-Year Life Worth in a Hospital Kill Zone? — Black History Icon Victim of False Cancer Diagnosis

By Samuel J. Vance

Dr. Valarie Omega Justiss Vance, Mother of Black Radio

Orange County, CA — In the pre-World War II 1940’s, Dr. Tomlinson Todd and Dr. Valarie Omega Justiss Vance launched AMERICANS ALL as America’s first Black radio show. Before there was Oprah, Tavis, Smiley, or Al Sharpton there was Dr. Tomlinson Todd and Dr. Valarie Omega Justiss Vance. Their biggest legacy by far was being strategic behind the scenes players in sheparding the “LOST LAWS” to Thurgood Marshall, thereby leading to the ground breaking D.C. Verses Thompson decision that was authored by the great Justice William O. Douglas, the longest serving Justice in U.S. History. It was decisions like this that lay the foundation for the monumental rulings that afforded us all the authority to eat where we want to, live where we want to, be educated without a governor blocking the door, etc.Fast forward to 2015. Dr. Valarie Omega Justiss Vance is the victim of a false cancer diagnosis by one, Dr. Daniel B. Huang. Once this error was found in a hospital that he is affiliated with – St. Joseph Hospital, Orange County California – No one rushed to her aid. She lay in a bed in a hospital for five days waiting on an Oncologist to give a second opinion. Finally a non-staff Oncologist came to see about her. The names of the Oncologists listed in the Hospital’s Public Directory are as follows: Dr. Michael Berman, Dr. Robert Brisdow, Dr. Phillip Di Saia, Dr. Jay Harness, Dr. Lili Beth Ramilo-Torno, Dr, Leslie Randall, Dr. We Peng Shen, Dr. Krishnansu Tewari and Lawrance Wagman.

On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, Dr. Vance’s blood pressure was allowed to plummet more than 30 points to numbers like 66/34. She laid there for three hours waiting for word from Dr. Jason Caberto. The nurses kept delaying any action, like they were waiting on an act from God. No Code Blue, no doctor from the E.R. after three hours no Dr. Caberto. By the time an ICU doctor rescued her at 7:00 something in the morning she was near dead and not expected to live for 24 hours. She has lingered and survived for more than a week now with resulting in decreased liver functions and kidney failure due to her prolonged blood pressure drop. To make this disaster even more catastrophic, the first three weeks she was here she was denied the alternative nutrients that had been getting good results.

The Solution

Since the culture in St. Joseph’s is Euthanasia, D.N.R. (DO NOT RESUSITATE) obsessed they literally have no concept of the reality that there are many people that really do want to live until God decides otherwise.

In so stating my communication is this plea:

If you are a reporter distribute this story “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY” and contact President Moreau at 714-633-9111 Extension 18020 and ask about the tragedy of Dr. Valarie Omega Justiss Vance.

When they say “no comment” VOICE YOUR CONCERNS ANYWAY.

If you are part of the general public, please do the same thing.



Samuel J. Vance
PO Box 3622
Santa Ana, CA 92703



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