Veronica N. Chapman, author of “I Know I Can”
Boston, MA — Entrepreneur and author Veronica N. Chapman has published an inspirational and empowering children’s book titled I Know I Can! whose captivating text and illustrations encourage global awareness, intellectual curiosity, and a commitment to social justice.Troubled by the insidious messages that young Black girls are assaulted with, Chapman decided to take a stand by creating a counter-narrative. I Know I Can! tells the story of an adventurous little girl named Faith, whose courage and confidence are as awesome as her imagination.
Veronica N. Chapman is no stranger to art nor activism as her résumé will attest. She is the founder of Boxxout, a grassroots youth organization that provides educational workshops for teens, and the author of The Advent of Planet Martyr (a book), and Ancestors Inc. (a play), whose themes reflect her commitment to community and to the youth. “I’ve always been committed to using my talents and experiences to motivate and educate young people,” Chapman explains.
To no surprise, Chapman’s latest work, I Know I Can!, is an artistic response to the young girls in her workshops. “The reality is . . . many of our young girls are exposed to a lot of nonsense.” She continues, “I’ve seen firsthand how this nonsense is taking a toll on how they feel about themselves and what they can accomplish in the world. . . . I believe that if we reach our girls at an early age, they will be able to rise above the noise and know they can accomplish anything they put their minds to.”
If there is a little “Faith” in your life, and you too believe in her limitless possibility, this book is required reading. I Know I Can is also available in Spanish (¡Yo sé que Puedo!) and Brazilian Portuguese (Sei que vou conseguir!) so the empowering messages can reach other children of the African diaspora. Additional languages will follow.
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Stephanie Campbell