Violence Continues at Donald Trump Rallies — Black Protestor Captured on Video With Bloody Face!

St. Louis, MO — Rallies being held by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump seem to be getting more and more violent. One demonstrator at a recent rally in St. Louis, Missouri for was seen in pictures and on video with a bloody face and was reportedly taken to a nearby hospital by police. And yes, he was African-American.The man’s name is Anthony Cage, and he’s a locally-known activist who has reportedly has been fighting against police violence and racism since the 2014 Ferguson killing of unarmed black teen, Michael Brown. In the pictures, Cage is seen with his hands bound by plastic ties and it appears that he is being taken to an ambulance by St. Louis police officers. He, however, was not under arrest and was released after being treated.

“Trump is a Racist”

According to the Daily News, before he was attacked, Cage was using a bullhorn or megaphone, and kept repeatedly screaming out “Trump is a racist, Trump is a Racist.” He was then reportedly punched in the face by a Trump supporter.

Others who attended the rally say that racial tensions were high, and that many Trump supporters were screaming profanities and hateful words at protesters.

Others say that while Trump speaking during the rally, he was constantly interrupted by demonstrators, and he eventually yelled to “get them out.” He also reportedly said that it was a shame that protesters had to be treated “gently” by the police.

But not just in St. Louis

Violence has also occurred at several other rallies hosted by Donald Trump. For example, a black protester at one rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina was caught on video being sucker punched by a Trump supporter, and one conservative reporter has accused Trump’s campaign manager of “roughing her up”.

Even more, Trump had to cancel one rally in Chicago before it even began after protestors reportedly aggressively clashed with his supporters.

And then in Ohio, Trump was suddenly pulled mid-speech into a protective ring of U.S. Secret Service agents after a man reportedly rushed the stage.

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