Largest Black Online Marketplace to Expand to Include Service-Based Businesses

— All are encouraged to join the WeBuyBlack.com campaign —

Nationwide — Inspired by the popular mantra, “do for self” a phrase representing the idea that Black communities must work to uplift themselves through strategic and collaborative economics, is one reason why Shareef Abdul-Malik launched WeBuyBlack.com, an online marketplace for black-owned businesses and sellers.The website launched last year on June 19th, celebrating the 150 year anniversary of Juneteenth. Since its launch, the site has over 2,000 registered businesses and sellers; more than 4,500 products uploaded and have reached 500,000 page views.

Abdul-Malik, who is a Howard University graduate and owner of the site, says he’d been inspired by institutions such as the Black Wall Street of Tulsa, Oklahoma that served the needs of the black community.

“This is a long term result after inspirational institutions such as the Black Wall Street which was burned down, ridding hope of family and community survival, financial independence, and the collective motivation to build for our next generation’s well-being,” says Abdul-Malik.

In October, WeBuyBlack.com launched a Kickstarter campaign aimed at raising $30,000 in 30 days to build a more efficient website. Over the 30 day timeline, the fundraising goal was reached and surpassed by over $4,000. In addition, the site was able to use the campaign to grow and galvanize its active social media following.

In February, the company launched its largest campaign to circulate $100,000,000 on the website through Feb. 1, 2017. Currently, the site boasts hundreds of Black-owned businesses, selling a wide variety of over 10,000 products. And now the company is gearing up for expansion.

Abdul-Malik said after receiving emails asking that the site include service-based businesses, his team begun working to answer the call for expansion.

“Imagine WeBuyBlack.com expanded to include services. Here, our community will now easily find businesses in their local area, hire them based off of previous customer experiences, qualifications, and get rewarded for circulating their dollars within our community,” said Abdul-Malik.

“Service-based businesses will have a large variety of resources from business tools, access to funding, social interaction with potential clients, abilities to add deals and coupons, and so much more,” he said.

“Our team has begun working on this feature, but we will need our communities’ support, again, to bring this expansion to fruition.”

When we first launched the campaign to generate funds for the creation of webuyblack.com, we raised just enough to produce the new site, fulfill promised rewards for the donations, handle legal documentation, and cover ongoing maintenance, according to Abdul-Malik.

Abdu-Malik said the company is seeking funding to situate WeBuyBlack.com for total growth and expansion.

Here’s a short breakdown of how the funds will be utilized:

* The design and production of a website compatible for Black owned service based businesses to find new customers and network with an ever growing community. ($15,000)

* To secure a contract for the maintenance and overall security of the website. ($11,000)

* To create a Mobile App for WeBuyBlack Products and Services ($13,500)

* To hire a professional Black owned blogging company to keep our new blog live and exciting. We’re creating more jobs! ($9,500)

* Hire a professional Black owned company to handle our social media pages and fully engage with our community for deals, updates, and upcoming events in your cities. ($6,100)

* The continuation of legal filings, trademarks, copyrights, and other legal documentation ($3,500)

* For promotional items, Marketing & Advertisement, Search Engine Optimization, UI testing, Travel, Events, Appearances ($6,500)

* Business assistance fund: Along with guidance from experts, we will provide Black owned businesses with a grant to help fund their operations and position businesses for ultimate growth. $3,000.

To help WeBuyBlack.com reach its goal, make your donation here: WeBuyBlack.com Expanding To Include Service-Based Businesses

For more information about the site, visit www.WeBuyBlack.com

Instagram – www.instagram.com/webuyblack/
Facebook – www.facebook.com/webuyblackcom
Twitter – www.twitter.com/webuyblackcom


Shahid Abdul–Karim



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