White Parents Demand Apology For DC Area School’s Black History Month Event

Washington, DC — Charles and Rebecca, two white parents from the Washington DC area, are outraged that their 8-year-old daughter’s school district held a Black History Month event that turned into what they say was a civil rights rally. They were recently interviewed on Fox News’ morning show “Fox & Friends”.During the interview, Rebecca comments, “Everywhere that we looked were students, high school students, wearing shirts that said ‘Black Lives Matter, I Can’t Breathe. As I was flipping through my program, it had ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot.’”

Charles, who is a local police deputy, says he felt the event was very anti-police. He says that he wanted to yank his daughter from the auditorium immediately, but his wife thought it best to at least let her stay long enough to sing with her school’s choir.

Rebecca continues, “Students started coming out on stage saying things like, ‘I’m from Ferguson, Missouri. I was told to put my hands up. I did and I was shot seven times. My name is Michael Brown’. I immediately realized that this was not something that was a good idea for my daughter to be seeing.”

After the event, the two say that their daughter was asking them questions like: “Why do cops shoot black people? Why do cops shoot good people? If they do that, does that make them a bad cop? Daddy, you’re a cop, does that make you a bad cop?’”

They both say they are completely outraged that they were put into a position to speak to their child about racism and are now seeking an apology.

Meanwhile, Brenda Tanner, the school superintendent (who is also white), released a statement saying: “I support the young people. They didn’t show anger, they didn’t show defiance. They kept a recurring theme that our lives matter.”

Charles and Rebecca, say however, that they are not satisfied with her response.

Watch the full interview below:



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