Black-Owned Company Behind Woody Wipes, Personal Hygiene Wipes For Men, Launches Father’s Day Marketing Campaign

Derrick Collins, founder of Woody Wipes

Atlanta, GA — Entrepreneur Derrick Collins, founder of Woody Wipes, has announced that they are offering specially formulated wipes for the personal hygiene of men. These wipes are not only a perfect gift for Father’s Day, but they are also something women can present to their spouses or boyfriends. It becomes hard for many women to tolerate the stinking genitalia of their male partners and these wipes will take care of everything from the smell of testicles to the unpleasant odors generated by other parts of the body. “I bought Woody Wipes for my husband who is a truck driver and he is mostly on the road.” Said Katherine from Minneapolis, Minnesota in her testimonial about the Woody Wipes. “We belong to an orthodox family and it was hard for me to complain about the smell coming from his body every time he came home. I am grateful to Woody Wipes for reviving my marital life to the new heights.” She added. Several other women have also shared similar kind of thoughts regarding this remarkable product for men.

Woody Wipes was created for gentlemen to stay fresh in between showers, and it gives them the ‘special attention’ that they need due to “smelly wood”. Moreover, Woody Wipes are flush-able and come in pocket size pouches so they can be discreetly taken on the go. Furthermore, these wipes are the perfect companion to a condom and can act as an ideal ‘wing-man’ for men in the times of need, particularly the adventurous one. These hygienic wipes are tested and proven for guaranteed results for all kinds of skin.

“Woody Wipes are specially formulated to go above and beyond the performance of your average wipes in order to meet the demands of a man,” said the spokesperson of Woody Wipes while talking about the features. “We have created them to help all the ladies out there who get uncomfortable due to the odor coming from their man’s package and it just comes in handy for them,” he added. According to the spokesperson, men can even use these wipes before and after having sexual intercourse and they are good to go.

Woody Wipes are currently available in stock at the online store of the company. In addition, the company is also offering Woody Wipes t-shirts on its website at very low rates to raise awareness regarding personal hygiene. They are for everyone and at certain times, they even eliminate the need for a shower. Moreover, they are tingling, refreshing and stronger than baby wipes and they are designed to keep all those wives and girlfriends happy.

To learn more about Woody Wipes, please visit: www.WoodyWipes.com


Woody Wipes



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