Nationwide — Yaba Baker, Founder and President of Just Like Me World, has launched a new animation studio producing half-hour cartoons and animated movies featuring Black characters as superheroes, princesses, and action heroes based on their popular books Super CJ and Princess Briana.How many decades have Black parents complained that there aren’t enough cartoons or animated movies that feature Black characters for their children? Well, Black parents do not have to worry about this any longer.
Baker, who created the Super CJ and Princess Briana characters, comments, “We are taking the concepts of authentic representation, Pixar-like storytelling, and social-emotional tools that we have in our books and bringing those same concepts to life in our new animated projects. Our first animated episode will premiere on our Just Like Me TV YouTube channel in early 2023 is Super CJ.”
Just Like Me World decided to turn their books into animated content based on the rave reviews about Super CJ and Princess Briana. A Publishers Weekly reviewer said this about Super CJ, “Baker deftly delivers the overarching message—that anger fuels poor choices— without sounding preachy, a balance that children will appreciate. The snappy dialogue will tickle the funny bones of both adults and kids, especially the chatter between dog and boy.” (A Publishers Weekly review is the most highly regarded review in the publishing industry.)
ONe customer named Lara R. writes, “I read Super CJ with my 6-year-old who normally doesn’t like to sit through a whole book, and he loved it! The fast pace, engaging illustrations, and exciting events (Fireballs!) kept him on the edge of his seat. He also happily engaged with the social/emotional themes presented in the book (“mom, we should give something to the homeless man outside our gym,” “just like my anger made me punch my brother! CJ has to learn to control his anger, too!) It was clear that having a hero who looked like him made it easier for him to identify with the story. It’s a great story for developing social/emotional skills with your children.”
The best thing about the entertaining content by Just Like Me World is that it helps kids understand themselves better and navigate through their issues of anger management, self-esteem, and how to select good friends.
The Adventures of Super CJ book can be found on Amazon or ordered through Ingram Books for schools and libraries around the world.
To be notified when the new Super CJ trailer is released and the Super CJ show release date are announced, go to Just Like Me TV on YouTube and subscribe.
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