Ferguson, MO — Nearly 50 protesters including civil rights activist Dr. Cornel West were recently arrested while protesting at the “Moral Monday March” in Ferguson, Missouri. According to eyewitnesses, local police wearing riot gear arrested West and others for allegedly disturbing the peace. West was reportedly dressed in his typical black suit, white shirt, black tie and scarf.
A spokesman for the St. Louis County Police Dept said arrests were made because “protesters attempted to push through a constructed police line.” Police also said that protesters began bumping officers’ shields and forced their way through the law enforcement skirmish line.
Others were reportedly arrested for blocking traffic, refusal to disperse, and refusing to clear the street.
The demonstrations were being held in continuous efforts to demand the arrest of Officer Darren Wilson, a local police officer who killed unarmed teen Michael Brown. But tensions have since escalated when another Black teen, 18-year old Vonderrit Myers Jr., was killed in St. Louis after police fired 17 rounds at him.
The recent demonstrations began Friday as part of the “Weekend of Resistance”. Before his arrest, Dr. West spoke in front of 2,000 people who attended an interfaith rally.
West is known internationally as a philosopher, academic, activist, author, public intellectual, and prominent member of the Democratic Socialists of America. He is also a Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at the Union Theological Seminar in New York City.