Tyrese Garvin
Louisville, KY — Tyrese Garvin, a 20-year old first-time father from Louisville, Kentucky, was shot and killed in a tragic incident on Sunday. He was walking down the street from the hospital after visiting his newborn twins when he was suddenly shot multiple times in what police called a random act of violence.
Garvin was shot multiple times in his body and head. He was treated in the ICU at University of Louisville Hospital where his newborn son and daughter are in the maternity ward. His family said they took his babies to visit their father before he was taken off life support last Friday.
Police have arrested three juveniles whose ages range from 14 to 17 in connection to Garvin’s shooting. The car and weapon used were not theirs.
This year, Louisville reportedly has had 113 shootings and 47 homicides which is increasing at an alarming rate. Garvin’s death is the 48th.
Meanwhile, a GoFundMe was launched to help his family with the funeral costs and medical expenses while he was in the ICU. It has so far raised over $30,000 of the $50,000 goal.