Nationwide — All six seasons of A Different World, the iconic sitcom that aired from 1987 to 1993, will be available on Netflix starting February 7th. The series, which featured a majority-Black cast, remains a cultural milestone offering a glimpse into Black college life.
Under the leadership of producer Debbie Allen, the series shifted its focus to reflect a more authentic portrayal of HBCU experiences. She even had writers spend time at HBCUs to get the details right. It featured real-life campus buildings of HBCUs like Spelman College and Clark Atlanta University, both in Atlanta.
A Different World also played a significant role in boosting enrollment at HBCUs. Between 1976 and 1994, admissions to these colleges rose by 25%, with the biggest increase during the show’s airing.
As A Different World arrives on Netflix, viewers can experience its lasting influence on TV and education once again.