San Diego, CA — Alpha RX Plus has announced they are open to consignment partnering with African American retail stores to offer its all natural herbal product for erectile dysfunction, currently sold online.
He also says that Alpha RX Plus has helped improve the lives of men who reported having BPH of the prostate, a paraplegic who had lost feelings in his organs who says he feels youthful again. One customer writes that after leaving Cialis and coming over to Alpha RX Plus, he experienced an increase in libido, with an improvement in sexual quality and stamina. Other customers write in their feedback that they switched to Alpha RX Plus because of the bad side effects experienced with the prescribed medications.
Scroggins says that in response to the positive feedback to the product, they want to offer local stores, especially in the midwest, south and south east the opportunity to introduce Alpha RX Plus to their customers. They are particularly looking to hear from stores that cater to the African American male.
“We can’t identify all of the smaller to mid size retail stores in areas like Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. etc.,” says Scroggins. “But Alpha RX Plus is willing to work with some potential partners on a consignment basis, although profits would be larger for retailers from whole sale bulk purchase. Every situation is different, and not every small operator has the capitol to initially take a chance.” He acknowledges they many of these retailers have probably not yet heard of Alpha RX Plus or even seen the product and its packaging, but he insists that the product is all-natural, high quality, and very effective.
The company has started to get the word out about their all natural product through national radio commercials on Sirius XM programming and some terrestrial radio throughout the south west, south east and mid-Atlantic states.
To learn more and/or to partner with Alpha RX Plus to retail their product for erectile dysfunction, call J.R Scroggins at 800-860-1938 or email For more details, visit
James Scroggins
Alpha RX Plus, LLC