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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

New Book Explores Hair, Self-Confidence and Standards of Beauty for Black Girls

New children’s book encourages natural-hair confidence

Empress of Coils by Lynn Graham

Denver, CO — The ongoing debate between permed and natural hair in the Black women community has left many Black women and girls questioning the very crowns on their heads. To perm or not to perm? That is the question Kendolyn faces as the main character of Empress of Coils (EmpressofCoils.com). The book for young readers about self-reflection, confidence, and pride by first-time author Lynn Graham, is available for preorders on Kindle today for $3.99. You can also purchase the book now in paperback and hardcover on Amazon.

“The book is powerful. Not only is Kendolyn surrounded by a community of people encouraging her, she realizes she has the support of historic queens behind her,” said E. Danielle Butler, CEO, EvyDani Books, LLC. “That’s what we need for ourselves as women and the children that we are responsible for stewarding.”

Kendolyn is a typical 10-year old preteen girl. She loves everything about herself, except her hair. She convinces her mother, a hairstylist, to perm her hair. Although her mother agrees, it’s under one circumstance. She must read a book of her mother’s choice. Kendolyn agrees but puts little effort into reading the book. Choosing to veg out in front of the TV instead. Kendolyn carelessly tosses the book only to quickly learn it wasn’t your ordinary book. What she found inside took her on an unforgettable journey into knowledge, self-discovery, history, and self-awareness.

“We’ve all had days when we don’t know what to do with our hair,” said Lynn. “However, for little Black girls, these moments are more than everyday frustration. Wearing your hair straight or in its natural curly state is a question that taps into their self-esteem and self-confidence. The main character of Empress of Coils looks just like them. The book tells a story that they can relate to from start to finish. It also creates opportunities for Black girls and women to talk about hair and the importance of the crowns on their heads.”

“Fantabulous book! I can’t wait to give this book to all the little empresses that I know,” said Tameka Warfield from Los Angeles, California.

Empress of Coils is available for preorder today on Kindle for $3.99. Those who preorder the book can email a copy of their receipt and mailing address to support@theclickurban.com to receive a custom made bookmark. Find the book, available in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle on major online retailers like Amazon, Apple, and Barnes & Noble.


About Lynn Graham
Lynn Graham is an author, entrepreneur, businesswoman, and a mother. Her first book, Empress of Coils, was written from personal experience with her daughter and that of many of her peers in motherhood. The book focuses on empowering the next generation to gain knowledge, indulge in discovery, and establish unshakable self-confidence – all skills necessary for success as business leaders and entrepreneurs.


Lynn Graham